Mahfud MD as Chairman of the Constitutional Court recognized that speak out frankly but as responsible journalists asked him. judicial trial Chandra and Bibit case he still looks casual and relaxed.
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mahfud MD, SH, SU, was elected chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) the period 2008-2011. He was accompanied by Abdul Muhktie Fadjar as vice chairman of the Constitutional Court. The elections were open in the plenary hall of the Constitutional Court building, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/8/2008). Mahfud replacing Jimly Asshiddiqie had two periods was the chairman of the Constitutional Court.
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mahfud MD, SH, SU
Sampang, Madura, May 13, 1957
Chairman of the Constitutional Court, 2008-20111
- Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta
- Faculty of Literature and Culture UGM
- Doctor of constitutional law UGM, 1993
- Chairman of the Constitutional Court, 2008-2011
- Constitutional Justice, 2008-2013
- Member of Parliament (PKB faction), 2004-2008
- Minister of Defense of National Unity Cabinet, 1999-2001
- Lecturer, Professor of Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), Yogyakarta
Constitutional Court of Indonesia
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No.. 6 Jakarta 10110
Tel. 23529000