Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek SpM is ophthalmologist who was called to cikeas SBY to meet the calls that will interview him to serve as Minister of Health in the United Indonesia Cabinet Volume II. but when the results of medical tests can be found at Indigo Djuwita failed to minister because he is considered less able to resist stress, because it ministers to be ready mentally and her stress level must be low. flowers have been plastered on the front of the house but unfortunately he failed to become the minister of health and was replaced by dr. isang once the mutation by the doctor because the doctor isang Nila carry bird flu virus samples to the United States. and with a wise response dr. Indigo can accept all this, but why should dr. Endang, who succeeded him. (maybe that he had in mind) who knows??
Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek SpM
Jakarta, 11 April 1949
Professor and Chairman of the Medical Research Unit Faculty of Medicine UI
Prof. Dr. H Dr. Farid Anfasa Moeloek, SpOG (Former Minister of Health)
- Ir. Muhammad Reiza Moeloek
- Ir. Puti Alifa Moeloek
- Puti Anisa Moeloek
- S1 University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine.
- S2 Eye Specialist Medical Faculty University of Indonesia
- S3 (Doctorate) from FKUI Medicine with a dissertation on Model Diagnostic Checking Orbita tumor, the tumor discovery efforts more Early Orbita.
- PNS NIP 194904111976032001
- Lecturer of Faculty of Medicine UI
- Professor of Faculty of Medicine UI
- Eye Specialist Doctors RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta
- Doctors Eye Clinic Eye Specialists Gutters
- Chairman of the Medical Research Unit Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (2007-2009)
- Members Korpri (Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia) RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta
- Chairman of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (1999-2004 and 2004-2009)
- Member of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI)
- Member of Optometrist Association of Indonesia (Perdami)
- Member of International Society Orbital Disorder, Oculoplastic and Lacrimal Surgery
- Chairman of the CPC PP Perdami
- Chairman / Member Seminar Plastic Eye Tumor Reconstruction Perdami
Home Address:
IV No Way Health. 7, Jakarta Pusat
Office Address:
Department of Health RI
Jl. Rasuna Said Kav. 4-9, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: (021) 5201590 Fax: (021) 5201591
- Nila.djuwita @
Source Private dr. Nila from :